Monday, February 23, 2009

Movie industry is going down or what

Oscar results are just out to day.

As unimportant and irrelevant as this event is to my life, I did not really spend time watching every single nominated movie to give the least rational critics.

Yet, I'm screaming in disappointment and distraught by just seeing the only nominated movie I have watched seize so many awards.

And that movie is *drum roll*

Slumdog Millionaire

I don't give a shit how much impact and impression this movie has left in each and every US movie goers' because as far as story and acting are concerned, this movie deserves neither all the buzz recently nor the awards! And if it does, then, oh well, it is easy to come to the conclusion that movie industry is going down the drain, all at once.

I'd not give a 2-page analysis on why the movie is not that worthy because let's face it, my English has not recovered to the level of being comprehensive, and by no means, makes sense or is engrossing. All I have to say is that the movie fails to deliver that main message convincingly.

I'm not going to spoil the move for anyone who has not watched it by scrutinizing every little details. Collectively, the movie talks about fate, luck and the determination to strive for the best or happiness or whatever you are passionate about, in this case, a beautiful woman ( cliche'). Already, you see the impossible task of making this a convincing solid story, simply because the 2 themes totally contradict each other. So does the acting. A passive and expressionless main character does not justify the motive of his struggling as well as its eventual success. In short, characterization is poorly executed, leading to a potential script to go to waste. As a result, the movie appears too shallow for my appreciation. On top of that, many links between the question and protagonist's experience seem to be missing, killing audience's joy of being awed by details. Full stop.

On the other hand, I could easily understand why US movie goers are so intrigued by this new semi-Bollywood formula (no offense to Indian movie). Probably, the extraordinarily harsh life of Mumbai residents? Disgusting poo-drowning sequence? Or the nonchalant aura of the grown-up protagonist (by the way, he's not authentically Indian, he's well-off British!)? Whatever it is, a little Asian touch might have been refreshing to the saturated Western movie industry.

The only praise that I'm willing to splurge on this movie is brilliant acting of authentic Indian child actors and actress. Watch it for yourself. It's quite amazing how natural they are, compared to *cough* their grown-up versions.

I'm looking forward to watching "The curious case of Benjamin Button" and "The Reader". The former seems to fail to live up to its original adaptation. Still clueless about the latter.

Anyway, quite satisfied with the fact that Heath Ledger won a posthumous Oscar though.


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