Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pretty Young Things

AMERICAN ARE DEAF. No offense, but I really don't see the reason why my Archuleta'd failed to seize the title from his same-named contestant. Yet, on the second thought, considering all the dramas and coincidences on his way to winning American Idol, I'd see it's as one of most explicit the fate's game in this world. Anyway, he deserves it somehow.

Besides my Archuleta is just too talented, too cute to handle. I'm sure that some people develop this unreasonable hatred towards him simply out of jealousy. Anyway, this little boy is a true prodigy and prodigy does not need such thing called American Idol to have his name remembered by millions of fans. All the best for your future Archie. You have me buy your album whenever it's out OK. Must see as an honor as it's a really extraordinarily nice gesture from a pirate like me.

BTW, the main point of this post is not about me fussing over who won and who should not have lost. Indeed, it is to mark the end of depressing exam period and open up a new era of self-pampering, life-loving, and home-coming extravaganza. Yes, I'm talking about June holiday. Yeah, baby, It's good to detach myself from this whole brain-draining lifestyle of a no-lifer aka JC student. For now, I'm uncertain about what's welcoming me at home, but I'm contented by these pretty young things to keep my facial arch upward for awhile.

Pretty young things refer to Generation Y singers born between 1983 and 199sth. The only reason why their ability to grab my attention and swoon me is just second to sexy old men like Tabu Zombie is because they fuel me with this mixed sentiment towards their talents. That sentiment, exactly quoted from "Millennium Actress", is: "I love you more than I can bear, I hate you more than I can bear". Because for someone older or younger than them, I always tend to attribute their fame to any factor other than extreme talents such as age, training, experience or mere luck. In case of P.Y.T, I usually think to myself "How can those people, seeing the sun and breathing the air as much as you, be so talented?". All the more, they easily earn my hat-down, hand-down and for Paolo...haha...clothes-down too.

Forget about all the perversion thoughts! Let's start with our first Item:

1) David Archuleta.
Most probably, you are throwing your rotten eggs you've saved for more special occasion i.e. Dan Truong's concert at me for being guiltily outdated. You could have already been erratically clicking every single link under the search word: "Archuleta" in desperation for any piece of info. Oh well, this does not deter me from featuring one of the cutest Youtube find ever in my search history. Looking like a shrinking dork, as oppose to his commonly seen posh look in suit, David Archuleta has triumphantly and officially occupied the majority of my day-dream time slots. Haiz, my life revolves around geek and more geek.

True prodigy. Must be the second most acclaimed one since Mozart. Lame comparison but come on, I really don't know any other prodigy. Bart Simpson?. Besides, no one can beat that sunshine smile of his...OMG, I'm totally crazy about this boy

2) Lykke Li
Probably, the most unheard of among all the talents listed in this post. Blame it on geographic distance and HMV only-importing-commercial-music policy. She's is surely a star in her homeland Sweden, or at least, a new idol in the latest quirkier-than-ever Swedish pop movement. Characterized by the mercilessly clear cut, cold beat and straight-forward melody, Lykke Li does not have to try so hard on her vocal to bring out the best of her songs. Indeed, sometimes, I feel like Li is so relaxed that her music just manages to effortlessly breeze through on the surface but hardly touches deep down inside one's heart. It is to say IF touching one's heart has ever been her intention at all to start with. Maybe, just like the name of her debut album: "Youth Novels", every tune is simply meant for the sake of being young.

I must say that Lykke Li's clips are usually above average. That's me being stingy on praises. No, her clips are utterly creative. It's simple as you can only make one on your own if you have time and manpower weird enough to pull off the popping craze like having seizure. "Little Bit" is one example. Sugar-coated love song for arrogant despo kids who refuse to admit love is in the air

Just as simplistic as her video, you can imagine yourself making music with Lykke Li by banging your table or knocking one piano-key non-stop for 3 minutes. Of course, if it sounds as good as "I'm good, I'm gone" or not, it depends mostly on your talent!

This song has its PV too. Latest of hers. The PV exploits the most disturbing element of Stop-motion picture. Well, once again, she gives you the idea of making a horror movie with your web-cam.

Kudos to Lykke Li for writing my a new jingle for Tabu Daydream: "This Trumpet in my head" Woot!

3)Paolo Nutini
Time for some manly manly dose.
Italian: checked
Handsome: checked
Young: checked
Talented: double checked!
Thanks God, the first time I listened to Nutini was without watching him flaunting his charm all over the place. Otherwise, I'd blame my liking for him is solely due to the craving for sweet young decent guy with overflowing testosterone.
Anyway, I could not believe such husky voice must come out from a sexy old man other than a youngster like Nutini. You don't believe me? Listen to "Last Request" with your eyes close. Btw, the clip is nice too, so do give it a try. The twist in the middle will make all auntie-like fan girls reaching out for tissue, wishing you're the one to dodge the bullet for him. Opps, spoiler. The only sad thing about this clip is that the audio is a different mix from original song. Too simplified guitar and too much of drum which is not really Nutini style.

On the lighter not, Nutini's laid-back style is perfect for dancy song too. It'd be such a shame if some shoe companies overlook the chance to make this song their jingle. I already have a dance for this song in mind. Another proof that shopping brings happiness to not only girls but also guys. We are all victims of fashion. Even Nutini. But he does it in a much much stylized way. For me, I just plunge myself in some malls and frivolously smile for ear to ear with my new steal. The end. If only I could write and sing such good song after every shopping spree, I could have been a super star!

Besides singing with noticeable amount of manliness, Nutini has another talent: turning all pop songs into 24 Cara gold! Anyway, "Cry me a river" is already gold by its own right. Maybe Nutini just gives it a newer coat which is sexy and less squeaky than Justin

He also did a cover of Rehab. No less good that Amy's one. Even better because the way Amy sings "No No" with her lips pout all all the way out temps me into mocking her every time I watch the vid

I'll be watching you, NUTINI. Better yet, come to Singapore so I can tear your shirt off.

Soul is a new hip hop. Lame analogy. But I can't help it. Even the most booty-shaky people seem to hum along "Rehab" now, leave alone the promo vid of Duffy is aired nearly 100 times everyday on TV, successfully instill the addictive "Mercy" tune into each and everyone of us. Let's just stop talking about Duffy for awhile and spare the limelight for her British peer: Adele who proves no less deserving for the reputation of redefining SOUL.
Being criticized as misinterpreting the essence of SOUL, Adele join the army of Duffy to give SOUL a new look that woos the heart of worldwide listeners and converts fan of other genre into avid followers of once-deemed-too-hardcore-for-popular-consumption SOUL. However, if you don't consider Duffy a intrinsic SOUL singer, you'd raise eyebrows if told Adele sings SOUL too. Her music diverges so much that I think rather than SOUL, it inclines more towards Folk, subscribing to a great deal of Brit pop disciplines like Gabrielle (the blind female singer who sang in Love Actually. Too lazy to find out more). The only thing that ever lines her name up next to Duffy is probably the unique SOULFUL thick and rich texture in her voice. Adele's voice is so powerful, like Amy but minus the wreck train and over-kill hairstyle, that I can imagine her glorifying music of all genres with any accompany instruments. Even if it's just 2 cent 3-chord guitar plucking or mega-buck grand orchestra.

My current favorite is this heart-warming tune: "Chasing Pavement". It's very thought-provoking.

Embedded is not allowed. So CLICK HERE to listen

I'm vain so I'll feature the fan-made sing a long clip here. Have fun singing

Check out Adele's live. My heart just sinks in the wondrous nostalgic joy. Sometimes when her voice howls, it uncannily resembles Eco Wrappin's vocal (too lazy to look up who she is)

OK, investigation's done. It turns out that Adele comes from the same school as Amy, Lily Allen and Kate Nash. All the big names. Seems like that school have saved a big sum of money on advertisement when living testimonials move around in all form and colour.

Wow...nice post. But all fun or fear must come to an end. All the best to new-rising stars. Hope to see more of you in the near future. Bye


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