Saturday, April 26, 2008

Takki! And New Go!Go!7188 release

Sometimes, one pop-ish happy funny song is all it takes to keep my spirit high during weekend.

(By the way, I find weekend extremely depressing nowadays probably because of the dilemma between work and relaxation. Come on, people do scream TGIF in the last lesson every week for a reason. And that's also the very same reason why TGIF is one among the very few acronyms I can remember. The rest of so-called too-hip-it-hurts acronyms sounds just like some coded message left from Cold War period. Besides, most of the pictures have appeared pixelated in my comp for the last few days. Argh. Damn irritating. It was as if Playboy had taken over the World Wide Web yet Unicef makes it mandatory to maintain censorship)

Song and thoughts

This week, new Go!Go!7188 single "Kataomoi Fighter" is proudly crowned as my SAVIOUR SONG. First thing to notice about this song is IT'S HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. MAGICALLY ADDICTIVE. ULTIMATELY ADDICTIVE. And if you don't find it that addictive, it means you still leave the cotton-bud in your ear from last night grooming. Or probably because you forget to get rid of your ear-wax for too long. Ehm...I leave that personal hygiene issue for you to decide. Let's get back to the song.

I find that Go!Go!7188 has attained a new high level of intrinsic ROCK (surf rock...whatever you define Go!Go!7188 style should be named. I'd prefer to call it GoGo7188 Rock) : Simplicity (not minimalism though, I still love how Go!Go!7188 manage to layer their song with so many tracks and still preserve their uncomplicated catchy tune).

Rock is a funny subject. Novices, beginners or noobs usually start out yearning for and playing complicated stuff with killer techniques (sweep-picking ah, bend up and down ah, thunder-speed ah). A teacher or any experienced music-makers will just brush them down saying: "Well, 3-note riff or a simple fifth-triad chord progression works just as excellently or even better". In the end, it does not matter what technique you use, as long as the resultant sound can make you vow to dedicate your whole life to it, then I can say you are a successful Rocker.

Back to Go!Go!7188, they are the epitome of the pursuit for simplistic rockability. To see how they develop and achieve whatever they do now is just as delightful as listen to their music. It's by no way a smooth path. There were cult period like "Dasokuhokou" and "Gyotaku" when the sound was still fresh and raw. There were overwhelming glorious peaks with refined master piece like "Tategami". So were time of confusion like "Ryosetzuran" (Although I would not mind them following that direction but I guess I'd be less fanatic then). Even failure, uhm, too harsh...maybe mistake like "Parade" when they faced enormous resentment and denial from faithful fans. But the fact that no matter what happens, Go!Go!7188 always keeps on persevering to perfect themselves is already admirable. It seems like whatever they want to say about that journey has always been fully channeled into their music. New fan might be ignorant about this but hard-core fan like me, well, that message is no way subtle.

How can you explain their splendid return "569" last year, a result of the marriage between excitement and maturity? If that already amazed you. Then prepare to drop your jaw to a new low because the new single Kataomoi Fighter forecast that the new album "Tora no ana 2" (although it's just a cover album but who knows how it would be like under the Go!Go!7188 recipe?) will be an festive extravaganza of youthful exuberance. Samples can be found here


Well, by the time I reach this here, my head has been severely damaged by the never-ending looping of the song. But well, so far, I can't see myself hating it by the end of this weekend so keep on drilling my head with that melody!

The best part of this song is Yuu's vocal. I like how Yuu was so comfortable with her own singing that she did not have to try so hard. At least, it sounds like that. But I believe Yuu has total control over her vocal. Even during life, she rarely sings off key and still pulls off such challenging swirling melody in such high pitch. Yeah. In this song, the vocal was such a breeze. Totally love it when Yuu let out a sigh. It's just a small detail but ornaments like that in Yuu's vocal make her one of my Gods (Noted: Religious term is used loosely here)

Video Clip and favourite screen cap

K, now it's the exciting part, the video clip! Just as random as Go!Go!7188 can get, The PV has this low-budget 80s 90s soap look with oily skill, cheesy special effect and fashion that you could only see in your parents' wedding pictures. There was a cliche' plot about a accidental convict trying to escape but then giving in because at his older sis's request. During the struggle, he keeps hostage of Yuu while Akko and Takki join the crowd persuading the convict to show mercy. Yet, I'm not so sure about the seriousness of that cliche' still survive when Go!Go!7188 members are spotted popping up with drumstick and Fender guitars randomly while engaging in a fist fight or having knife pressed against the neck as if they are not any part of the plot. Yeah. It's confirmed they are not.

Oh yeah, the idea of having all the characters lipsynching after Yuu is not bad either. It turns out that Yuu can be qualified to be a voice artist. Her voice totally goes well with others' acting (or is it another way around?).

Watch the vid here

There are some lame moments. Here are my favourite ones

A duh shot with cut out clueless heads...lmao, I find this extremely comical.

Spot random guitar-jamming, drumstick-clenching characters!

Cheesy Superstar's pointing pose is here to stay!

I especially like the part where Takki throws himself in the air or enthusiastically engages in the fist fight. Beware of those deadly drumsticks

Oh, I'm craving for fat cat and boy now. So TAKKI!!!! He's such an eye-candy. Yet, the fact that he's 34 (even older than TABU) kinda pain me a little. It's disturbing to think such a cuddly fellow is reaching the age of having to find a wife and settle down. OMG, I swear when I get to see Takki, I'd kiss him in those chubby cheeks.
I am an Adulterous fan

More info

By the way, this song will be made into a theme song for some popular Anime. That explains why there is an ANIME jacket version for the upcoming single. Wow, I hope in that way, Go!Go!7188 will be known more widely and luckily crack through the skull some dim-witted Otaku girls who are unfortunate enough to be unable to appreciate beyond abusing Japanese language.

And Tora no Ana 2. Can't believe it's the best name they could come up with. Guess they are just lazy!

Akko illustration looks so sleek with that hairstyle!
The promo pic of the shooting is awesome...A little big but I don't mind!

Now the painful part kicks in... HOW I WISH I WOULD HAVE GO!GO!7188 CDs IN MY HAND ONE DAY. Sort of feeling ashamed for leeching every time they release new album. BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE (K, someone has already seen me as a spoiled brat for intending to splurge 100 bucks over some Soil and Pimp stuff...Wahlao! It's brain matter, It's hard work, It's showmanship...It deserves to be paid that much)

Phew! Unnecessary long post but it's for my own indulgence!


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