Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Band of the day - RIP Slyme

Genius are always genius. Even if you don't know them, you can't help running into their creation.

Well Teriyaki Boyz, HALICALI....Does it ring any bell? Well, they are all side project and brainchild of RIP Slyme. RIP Slyme is a special Japanese hip-hop 5-man band...Why can't they be a sextet because they are really the SEX ...Terrible pun but I'll tell you why later ;D)

Different from normal market Hip-hop that recycles a simple tune so many times, it fills your eyes with tears...probably from excessive yawning, RIP Slyme's hip hop is a fusion of various music styles from funk to jazz, from pop to Latin all in the name of JOY.
Example: Funkastic ( not of so high quality because the better one is removed by stupidly sharp Youtube police)

A classical version of that song...wow, someone really did the Classical REMIX of HIP HOP...is it? Dunno...have not done studied on it yet

They also combine wisely the use of musical instruments like guitar and piano into bass and drum-heavy electrico sounds. And to my surprise and admiration, they can PLAY guitar, wood bass, drums and piano like pro musicians. Allegedly, Pes is said to have joined a rock band before he was persuaded to pursue in Hip hop by IImari and Ryo-Z. He is also regarded as a guy with great sense of rhythm by other artists.

The guys have great sense of humour too. Their recurring gag is to show this random guy who pops up from nowhere and claims that he wants to be in the group but can make it in their PV.

For example, in this collaboration PV with Vaios (what a great way to promote both!), the random guy appears and lip syncs to the lyrics "I wannabe". It is then followed by Ryo-Z letting out an sympathetic and understanding "ah"...Super Funny.

My all time fav from RIP Slyme:

Well. Now is my favourite part of the post: to introduce the members. I'm particularly drawn to RIP Slyme because of 2 reasons: their diversity in persona and their sexiness. Call the role-allocation of members in band like Spice Girls classic and lame but that formula is undeniably too powerful to ignore. Especially when RIP Slyme can pull it off with such hipness.

Ryo-Z: big brother of the band, who is an unconscious satire of the old generation

Ilmari: half-Finnish blood brings out the ultimate hotness in him. SO HANDSOME IT HURTS!....My heart skips a few beat when I see that eyebrow slightly raised. And goatee is hot. Sometimes he looks like a better-looking version of HZM...no offence to HZM fan...I myself have a soft spot for HZM too.

Fumiya: When other guys are busy pumping up and down in the foreground, Fumiya would silently reside to the background and spin his DJ set. He's actually the brain of RIP Slyme as he composes and mixes most of their songs. Surprisingly, he's the youngest...and sadly, married

Pes: little and cute

Su: The dirtiest nastiest baddest boy of them all....That face is cheeky and always seems to up to no good. He's married though.

Their release motif is this cute rainbow-colour skull.

RIP Slyme sounds amazingly good onstage too...This is said to be better version than studio recording. IT IS!

And a very nostalgic cartoon version of the members...the drawing is in style of this very silly yet popular manga series I used to read when I was small

RIP Slyme's PVs are usually very creative in term of medium. So check them out and enjoy.


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