Sunday, November 29, 2009

Song of the day: Boys who rape (should all be destroyed) - Raveonettes

This song officially made my day. Not because it cheered me up or spoke my mind ( I'm far from it, and I hope i would never have to relate myself to this song in any way ). But this is one motherfucking twisted song. The subject matter is extremely dark (the title said it all) but the music is trippily poppy and catchy. Like many other 60s songs, this song makes you twitch your body as tune goes. And the duet, layered vocals would be the last thing you expect from a song about rape! But Raveonettes did all of that in this song. And amazingly, I think this lighthearted take is really effective, at least, in soothing the pain that the victim was suffering. It's a like an advice, a sympathetic consolation from a sister, a girl friend. I hope the victimized girl would feel better when she listened to this song.

The lyrics are fucking touching!

Boys who rape should all be destroyed

Three to one girl
How can you win
One horrid night
You hope that it's a bad dream

They rip you to shreds
Make you feel useless
You'll never forget
Those fuckers stay in your head

Boys who rape should all be destroyed

In case you are wondering which girl the song is dedicated to, Read about Richmond High School gang rape

It's a really horrible story, not only about the rapists, the victim, but about by-standers. Those mother-fucking useless by-standers. And the fucking careless principal who refused to check out what the nuisance outside the school was about even when he heard the noise. More details could be found here at number 2 of the list

Sincerest sorry to the girl


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