Thursday, November 19, 2009

2012 review

After the first failed attempt, I finally got to watch this movie and was quite surprised that at the wee hour of early afternoon show, Malaysian were still eagerly filling up the cinema. Were they supposed to be somewhere else working? It was not even weekend yet. Probably the fact that Sunway Pyramid was the pinnacle and the only cinema in this uni and college-studded area is enough to give a thorough and succinct explanation for this constant over-populated state. But well, given the student discount and quite acceptable felt-wrapped seat (the back rest is not as comfortable as it sounds though), I can turn a blind eye to the chaotic endless queue to concentrate more on having fun experiencing the works of arts. Today 2012 is definitely one of them.

Have you noticed that movie release cycle works the same way as we do. Promising in springs with lots and lots of trailer to tempt our curiosity. Really vigorous during summer, churning out blockbusters that suck movie-goers in like magnet. Going mushy throughout Autumn as chick-flicks and sugar-coated romance damp the eyes of the lovers (there are a few middle-ranged action movies too but chances are your girlfriends will have her way with hugs and kisses). And I have no comment about Winter, the industry wanes and fades into brain-dead mode with mind-numbingly annoying holiday movies (list 10 worst movies in any duration of time and a Christmas-themed 90-minute-torture will pop up like corn on stove).

That's why 2012 is such a fresh breeze to the silver screen this season. It might not be the best of the best but surely a must-watch, especially in its own genre: disaster movies.

Spoiler but necessarily, there is no way I am going to praise the storyline of 2012. If 2012 was made a year earlier, it would definitely be victimized by THE DISASTER MOVIE for its poorly constructed storyline. The plot could be dated way back to the Armageddon Day that I doubt my 10 year old cousin would feel the need to bug me now and then with the question: "what's happening next ?". Indeed, a new Nobel prize should be invented and awarded to whoever that could come up with a different formula for disaster movie. No kidding, it is as hard as changing humans natural reflex, not to mention in this case you have to change millions'. Leaving us to our own devices, our immediate reaction when disaster happens is of course either to run or to kill ourselves. I bet no film maker would opt for the latter just to end his blockbuster after 10 minute of screening unless if the purpose of the show is to collect rotten eggs and elaborated curses. So basically, the predictability of 2012 is forgiven.

However, watching 2012 is no less interesting than reading a well-written general knowledge. Basic facts are all there but the perspective of the makers/writers is new and refreshing. 2012 with its 2 hour 30 minute run could afford to do that without cramming up the details or getting boring. The relationships and how they are affected by the incident reach out far away from conventional and enough-said husband-and-wife, parent-children, companion connection. 2012 touches the sensitive side of politics, of estranged relationship, the wrongful affair, rivalry and especially the international interaction aka, general humanity although I have to disagree with it in some parts. The links between characters are not acted up but always kept in focus which thankfully does not make 2012 another disastrous medium to expose individual human nature but at the same time conveys a very positive dynamic of compassion within a huge population. In other words, 2012 looks at humans in a big picture rather than picking out a few biased examples to sentimentalize the whole subject. That's probably the reason why the heroic selfless acts here seem to be more reasonable than in the others.

The downside 2010 plot or any disaster movie is of course the characters remain one-sided. But then again, it is sorta hard to psychologically analyze the characters while a tidal waves are approaching them from both front and back. So yeah, next time if you go watch any movie of this genre, do not expect to see Johny Deep or Anthony Hopkins. :P. An amateur Chinese worker panicking with hammer in his hand can perform better in this kind of movie than both of those put together.

Talking about Chinese, I hate it when the casting chose all the cocky-looking guys to act as Chinese officials. I've been to China only once but I stayed there long enough to see that Chinese officials do not look a bit arrogant like that. We all hear bad things about China. Counterfeit. Cheap labor. Poisonous toys. But that does not mean Chinese people need to look like aliens or some stuck up dudes. Chinese nature is mostly kind and generous so the event where they refused to help the main bunch of characters is quite wrongly stereotyped, or biased. The movie could have done Tibetan temples justice too. Come on, it's the holly land of Buddhism with gigantic temples then why do you only show us a small little hut with a sleepy monk?

Besides, another thing that ticks me off is that there are only few countries invited to attend the special surviving project. How about UN? How about the rest of the world? There is a little consolidation for African in the end that they survive but how about MY country? How about Indonesia where more disasters have happened there than elsewhere? With tsunami occurs in yearly basis, I think Indonesia at least deserves a special mention there. In brief, we Asians (excluding Chinese and Japanese) feel very left out please. Oh yeah, another subtle message of the movie is that if Apocalypse occurs, the racial ratio in the world will definitely change. Filthily rich Middle Eastern and Russian millionaires will roam the earth while only a few Chinese workers who managed to sneak on the ark at the last minute will have the hard time to repopulate. Forget about Indian because bloody US did not want them in the boat at the first place. RACIST! But well, if whatever Russell Peter said about his race's number one cheapness is true, then Indians probably chose to die at will saying that "I'd rather die than paying billions for that bloody small room on a metal ark. I'd get the same room by going to jail..FOR FREE!". No offense :P Just a joke.

2012 is wrapped up with corny happy ending for protagonist couples too which I really dislikes because it required a few sacrifices from secondary actors who, in case of the Russian pilot, is major hotness (Funny Russian English accent is the plus plus).

Talking about life and death, 2012 is not that depressing as everyone imagined before really watching it. Indeed, the movie is quite lighthearted with several tension-breakers here and there. Not to mention the thrill drive of barely escaping the mass destruction of nature on a plane. Therefore, the entertainment values of 2012 are quite high, sometimes even subdue the sentimental aspect but I'm not sure if some concerned people feel pleased when the serious subject matter is treated that way. Whatever, Bentley joke is still the best (won't spoil it for you, just let you know that it's the best product displacement ever taking place in a blockbuster).

Visual and audio-wise, 2012 is a huge treat. Combination of magnificent view with mind-blasting sound will definitely leave you in awe until the next day. Special effect seems real and yeah, proudly to announce that one of the ex TOA students did the contribution. I'd have been more impressed if more action-movie-ly camera angles were introduced but since this is a disaster movie with no real emphasis on one single individuals heroic moment, I guess it's oik with just the panorama of the disasters.

What a pity that the message of saving the earth does not really transcend. No blame was put on human for those disasters. What happened was just simply attributed to the natural eventual end of the earth. I mean yeah, we should not rant about our responsibility for the environment all the time but why not give it just a little room in 2 hour and 30 minute for public education purpose to kill 2 birds with one stone? Do not tell me that this is more of religious prophecy because I get sick of all that surreal explanation (Give me back RM 10 I spent on THE KNOWING pls!!!!) . Not that I deny the existence of supernatural force. I just feel like human is not given enough credit for their misbehavior towards mother Earth.

In short, although I seem to bash 2012 in this review, it's by no mean a B-graded movie. I just want to mention some downsides of this blockbuster for the sake of being different and standing out from other reviews as well as to relieve whatever I think was portrayed unfairly in the movie. Let me assure you once again that 2012 is totally worth your RM 10 and nearly 3 hours in the cinema. If you think that you'd rather spend that time and money for New Moon, well, your life deserves to be taken in return for my pilot hottie Sasha :P


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