Monday, August 25, 2008

Gin Wigmore - the lovely wolf

I think I'm throwing my life away...I'm a hypocrite. I guess I need to learn how to crawl again before wishing to run fast like a wind. A 2-month mission. I wonder if I can do the miracle or keep sinking to hit rock bottom.

Anyway, I need to soothe this bruise I've brought to myself. I need music. It's cliche' but it's true all the time. I'm not me without my music. I'm not me with other surrounding inspirational souls.

So last night, I found my way back to Soil and Pimp, throwing myself on the horn's mercy. SAP music is like gambling. Love it or hate it, all depends on lucks. I guess luck smiled at me then. Finally, I realized that no matter up or down this affection might have to go through, in the end, I will always rekindle the love for the craze that might give me an immediate determination boost. Wait for me, Mr Tabu Zombie!

Pe'Z was not bad either. The chill effect still crawls up and down my spine now

Nevertheless, but I was totally devastated after Maths Paper. Epitome of bad time management!

I need rough EMO songs.....My inner lone-wolf is instinctively screaming for sympathy of another lone wolf. The problem with lone-wolf is that they want a companionship in their own reflection so they end up chasing another end of the rainbow unknowingly. No one has known if such place exists but it's so certain that for now, the lone wolf is left to lick its wounds all my itself. Ah, my good old comforting self-pity!

I guess that's why I love Gin Wigmore at the first encounter. This Kiwi girl's music is the sincerest form of expressing one's frustration, angst, yearnings and sorrows in the face of toughest time. You might find her Whiskey-dry voice caught between Mary J Blige or Marcy Gray with a tint of youthful grace. But what really wins me over in her singing is the "Honest Bitterness" that goes harsh on the tongue but gives off the alluring sweetness at the same time. The after-taste is just exceptional, a deepening feelings that keep you sinking, sinking until you think you're drown in the storm of catharsis. You feel life in the sourest torment, in the war you know you'll lose but you'll fight no matter what.

FYI, having this quality melt into every tune is no eventual text-book exercises' fruits for Gin but a consoling humble exchange for her greatest loss in life: the death of her father who led her into music world and was her biggest fan. You can follow the long sad story just by googling her name. My point is Gin's success should not be seen as the result of others' charity but her own strong will to overcome even the most profound set-back. Not to forget it, but to build herself on the shattered ground and be proud of the miracles she has made.

Yet, when you listen to other light-hearted works like "Under my Skin" of Gin, you might instantly forget about the heart-breaking tale and start seeing the endless joy and hope emitting from Gin's beautiful blond locks and her cheeky natural strong voice. I bet she must be one hell of fun and daring chick. Her current boyfriend is evidence of her naughty crime: wave-diving and kissing her good-looking male fans. Wow, I don't know that IS a privilege of musicians until now!

Mind you if you think that she's just another average blondie with one or two tear-jerking family stories to back up. SHE WRITES ALL THE FREAKING SONGS SHE SINGS. And has been awarded Overall Championship in some prestigious song writing competition at the tender age of 17. Go google yourself. Shame on you if you think it takes 100 blonds like her to change light bulb. One is enough to sweep you by the feet and make you yourself go change 100 bulbs for her!

Gin has not had her debut album yet (where the hell are all the opportunistic music producers?) but she has released an EP called "Extended Play" this month with 6 tracks in them, I guess. Kiwi production so I think it will prove challenge to get her stuff off somewhere in the net. Luckily, Gin's website is such a generous source to listen online. And "Stealing Happiness" is available for download! Biggest steal of music download can!

"Under My Skin" and "Stealing Happiness" are my favorite tracks so far as they give the most distinctive and unforgettable impression of Gin's unique style. Especially "Under My Skin" with its 20s-silent-movie-like piano riff in the middle and hell yeah, the video just simply rocks. Gin is ultra pretty with FASHION STYLE that makes statement, especially this one could be dubbed: "How to dress tastefully with goofy bowl hat?". Me digs Gin's blond-hair-smoky-eyes combo too!

Minimal set to maximize the voice. I think whoever directs those videos has the clearest idea of how music and visual should work together. Kudo!

"These Rose" is worth a million tries too!

Enjoy! You might love her or like her. I don't care. I love her a lot!!!!


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