Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Viewers' discretion is strongly required

Strictly, who is not even 18 yet, please don't try to view this vid because its content is highly unsuitable and provocative for normal Asian concept of morality...haha...I make it sound so serious but IT IS. CURIOSITY does kill and in this case, I emphasize that if you are bold enough to accept this is a impressive form of aesthetic expression, go ahead and watch. If not, don't please. I don't want anyone of you think that I'm sick (I'm just open minded)

Anyway, I think D&G has been very effective in making use of sex appealing to sell their products. Although this might outrage a big population of market but be real, they are truly brave and willing to take the risk in this trade-off lose-all-or-gain-all business. And the strategy works well although the subject is a little bit overdone...I guess. I'm not a brandwhore or something to judge their commercial success but as I've seen here, they deserve an admiration for directly attacking at the wildest fantasy/obsession of human beings. Enjoy